One Time Initiation Fee plus Membership
per item
Select One:
Active Member:($50 / year)
Must be a US citizen.
Associate Member: ($50 / year)
For applicants who meet one of the following criteria: Foreign-born daughters of members in good standing. Women who have spouses, children, parents or siblings who are citizens of the United States of America. Women who have previously been a member of an International or American Women's Club. Women who have served or whose parent(s) or spouse have served in the U.S. military. Women who hold US green cards or are married to those who hold U.S. green cards.
Total New Member Fees:
Annual Membership Dues: $50.00 (May 1 - through April 30)
Initiation Fee: $25 (One-time fee to offset administrative costs)
Total Due: $75.00